Thursday, 3 September 2015

TNPSC 26-7-2015 Exam Group II Hall Ticket download

TNPSC 26-7-2015 Exam Group II Hall Ticket download

TNPSC 26-7-2015 Exam Group II Hall Ticket download 

Through its Notification No: 7/2015 dated 30-04-2015 the TNPSC invited online applications for various posts included in the Combined Civil Services Examination II (Interview Posts) Group II services.

The Examination is proposed to be conducted on 26th July 2015. And now, the TNPSC has made available the link to download the Hall Tickets from the official website.

All the candidates, who have applied for the Group II service posts could now download their Hall Tickets from the official website.

To download the Group II Services Hall Tickets, candidates can use this direct link from the below given:


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